About Me & Mission Statement
Solutions for the Work-Life Balance
Do you find traditional work environments and culture too rigid?
The @HW mission is simple:
to help get people back to work and offer a more flexible avenue to income!
We no longer need to commute to a traditional brick-and-mortar for work. We don't need to stress over how we're going to meet family demands vs. a relentless work schedule. How many times have YOU thought, "I wish they'd just let me work from home; I can do the same thing without coming to the office..." ? I'd be willing to bet it's more than a passing thought for a good number of people...
Let's bring our lives back into balance! Let's take control of our schedules!
Hi, My name is Laura. I'm in my 40's, I'm married, have a young child, 2 bonus kids, and live in the great State of Georgia near Atlanta. I'm a former pet stylist, turned stay-at-home mom, turned entrepreneur - founder and owner of At Home Works, LLC! Returning to the workforce, I wanted to find a job that allowed me flexibility to simply be available for my family - take the kids to school and pick them up, attend any and all school functions (yes, I'm THAT mom, proudly), prepare dinner, take vacations, have weekends off, and in general a job that worked around my life not the other way around. I also face physical issues that greatly limit the type of job I can perform. I needed to able to take enough breaks to not exacerbate the problem. What kind of job was I going to look for??? What employer would hire me???? If I found a job, would I need to pay for daycare in the summer or after-school? And, when I researched daycare costs, I nearly fell out of my chair! What's the point of working if all the money gained is used up paying for childcare???? I wanted something to regularly contribute financially to my family - pay for the kids' extracurricular activities, weekend adventures, and a little cash to save. After over a year of fruitless searching, I found out about Arise Virtual Solutions.
I first learned about Arise from a local Moms' Facebook Group. One woman had posted a question asking, "Does anyone know of any legitimate work-from-home jobs? No consultants, Sales, or Commission-only jobs". I expected to see the same ol' responses, MLM, consultants, "let me show you how to make 10k a month!". But, that was not the only thing I saw.... A few of the responses were about Arise. Several women in the group were either currently working or were going to be working with them again. They were raving about it! Skeptic that I am, I decided to investigate and do my due-diligence. Of course, I found the good-bad-ugly reviews. I checked the BBB for any information. Arise has an "A+" rating. I was still skeptical; it all seemed too good to be true. The women in the moms' group were extremely satisfied with working for Arise. It fit all their needs, and I'm not too different than them... More significantly, I realized this opportunity is not a scam. These are REAL women, locals, and not paid recruiters pounding-the-virtual-pavement in the local moms' group. These women were gaining nothing by talking about Arise except the satisfaction of helping others find the balance they've found, personally. With that thought in mind, I decided that I had nothing to lose except a little time and a little money and EVERYTHING to gain. So, I took a deep breath, gathered my courage, and decided to just find out for myself. I elected to form my own company instead of joining under an already established IB (independent business). If it works for me, then I'll be able to lead others to Arise and help them too!
Registering was easy and painless; $8 background check (which is now FREE); read and sign some papers. Then, I was able to see all the different clients and opportunities available to me. These were some REALLY big name companies - EVERYONE knows most of these companies. My first thought was, "Wow, this is really NO JOKE! There's no way THESE companies would ever align with Arise if it wasn't legitimate." Immediately, I started to relax. From this point on, everything moved quickly and smoothly. I have to say, I have never felt more comfortable with a single major decision than I have with the decision to form At Home Works, LLC and partner with Arise Virtual Solutions. I'm truly excited about this opportunity and more so looking forward to helping others find a way to achieve their goals as well.